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Tribunal: Member Paul Windsor The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (the Department) refused to grant the applicants protection visas on 2 September 2016. The applicants, a wife and husband from India, applied for protection visas on the basis that the wife f...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1614678 (Refugee) [2018] AATA 4645

Tribunal: Senior Member Chris Puplick AM This review concerned the applicant’s registration as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). The applicant primarily offered courses relating to the building and construction industries and micro-business operations. The regulati...

Tribunal: Member Alison Murphy A delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection refused the applicant a Protection visa. On 8 March 2018, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal affirmed the decision.   The applicant was born in India and came to Australia to ...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1801792 (Refugee) [2018] AATA 665

Tribunal: Member Rosa Gagliardi A delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection refused the applicant a Protection visa. On 2 May 2018, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal remitted the decision.    The applicant was a citizen of Malaysia who claimed he co...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1615725 (Refugee) [2018] AATA 1255

Tribunal: Senior Member Josephine Kelly The applicant was originally granted access to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (‘NDIS’) from 2 September 2015. She subsequently sought additional funding for full-time care, which involved personal care support for 24 hours ...

Tribunal: Member Christopher Smolicz A delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection refused to grant the applicants Protection visas. The Tribunal affirmed the decision on 4 April 2018. The applicants were a couple from Fiji who travelled to Australia mu...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1601597 (Refugee) [2018] AATA 1420

Tribunal: Member Susan Trotter The visa applicant wanted to come to Australia to visit his two sons, his daughter-in-law, his sister-in-law and her children. He was an Iranian citizen by birth but he had been living in Oman, as a non-citizen, for approximately 40 years whe...

Location of this page in sitemap: Javanmardi Rahat Abad (Migration) [2018] AATA 2433

Your first case event will usually be a case conference. We will send you a listing notice telling you the date and time. The case conference might be in person, by telephone or by video using Microsoft Teams. We will book an interpreter for you if you need one and you tell u...

We may take a bit longer than normal to reply to your emails due to a high volume of enquiries. We appreciate your patience as we work to respond as quickly as possible. Please note the preferred and quickest way to lodge documents is through our Online Services Portal . ...

Location of this page in sitemap: Contact us > Email guidelines

COVID-19 resources Special measures practice directions The President has issued five special measures practice directions that set out how the AAT will operate while COVID-19 impacts our services. These are in effect for the following divisions: General, Freedom of In...

Location of this page in sitemap: Resources > Practice directions, guides and guidelines

This chapter reports on the AAT’s activities and performance during the reporting year and includes: the annual performance statement setting out our results against the performance criteria specified in the Portfolio Budget Statements and our Corporate Plan discussion of ...

Glossary AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board AAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 ADR Alternative dispute resolution is the umbrella term for a range of processes for resolv...

The Hon. Justice Duncan Kerr Chev LH Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Brisbane 8 October 2013 I would like to thank the University of Queensland Law Journal for inviting me here today to launch the special edition on ‘Merits Review’. Merits review was an Australian wor...

PowerPoint Show (115 KB) Presentation delivered to the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal Members Conference 1-2 March 2007 Outline of PowerPoint Presentation 1. DECISION-WRITING Superannuation Complaints Tribunal Members Conference 1 and 2 March 2007 Justice...

PDF version (29 KB) Published in the Australian Law Reform Commission's Journal Reform Issue 84, Autumn 2004 Administrative Tribunals in Australia Modern tribunals play an important part in society. Not that tribunals are a new idea. Their origins lie in the Roman tr...

PDF version (241 KB) Corporate Tax Association 2011 GST Corporate Intensive, The Grace Hotel, Sydney 17 October 2011 Also published in (2012) 50(1) Law Society Journal 70. Twenty Five Years of Tax Cases in the AAT On 1 July 1986 the Administrative Appeals Tribun...

PDF version (68 KB) Speech delivered to the Australian Insurance Law Association - Northern Territory Branch - Seminar, Darwin 11 April 2006 Introduction It gives me great pleasure to be able to speak to you today about the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and its wor...

PDF version (100 KB) Paper presented to the Excellence in Decision Making Seminar for the Migration Review Tribunal and the Refugee Review Tribunal Sydney 12 October 2010 and Melbourne 26 October 2010 INTRODUCTION Over the last few years I have written quite a few pa...

PDF version (64 KB) Speech delivered to the 16th Inter-Pacific Bar Association Conference 2006, Sydney 3 May 2006 Changing Attitudes to Common Law Procedure In recent years there has been a significant movement in common law jurisdictions towards improving the effici...

PDF version (60 KB) Paper delivered to the NSW Bar Association Administrative Law Section, Sydney 22 March 2006 Any discussion of expert witnesses in proceedings in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal must begin with a recognition that "the Tribunal is not bound by th...

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