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Annual statement of compliance   The Commonwealth Child Safe Framework (the Framework) sets minimum standards for Commonwealth entities to create and maintain behaviours and practices that are child safe.   Under Requirement 4 of the Framework, Commonwealth ...

Can I withdraw the application? Yes, you can withdraw an application for review at any time before a decision is made. You must withdraw in writing. You use the  Withdrawal of application for review form  and send it to us . Find more information about withdrawing an a...

Tribunal: Senior Member Michael McGrowdie The applicant was the widow of a Second World War veteran who served in the Australian Air Force and flew low flying aircraft around New Guinea. The veteran suffered traumatic experiences and on at least one occasion was picked up ...

This fact sheet answers questions about a first AAT review of a Child Support decision in the Social Services and Child Support Division PDF version (139 KB) Answers to questions about your child support review What does the AAT need to decide? There are a variety...

Location of this page in sitemap: Child support decisions fact sheet

This appendix contains: a list of the AAT’s members at 30 June 2016 a table showing the number of Senior Members and Members assigned to each of the AAT’s divisions at 30 June 2016 lists of the members who were appointed and reappointed in 2015-16 and members whose term o...

Tribunal: Senior Member M Kennedy  AAT decision  The AAT set aside a decision by Services Australia and decided that the Applicant’s objection about their care determination should be allowed and determined new care percentages for each parent. Facts  The Applicant ...

Location of this page in sitemap: Debaillie and Wragby (Child support) [2022] AATA 2369

COVID-19 resources Special measures practice directions The President has issued five special measures practice directions that set out how the AAT will operate while COVID-19 impacts our services. These are in effect for the following divisions: General, Freedom of In...

Location of this page in sitemap: Resources > Practice directions, guides and guidelines

Tribunal: Member Paul Windsor An application made by a family of three for Protection visas was refused by a delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. Applicant 1 was making a claim for protection and applicants 2 and 3 applied as members of the famil...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1419288 (Refugee) [2018] AATA 282

Tribunal: Senior Member Kira Raif A delegate of the Minister for Home Affairs decided to refuse to grant the applicant an Other Family (Residence) (Class BU) visa. The Tribunal affirmed this decision on 30 April 2018. The applicant is a Vietnamese national born in January...

Location of this page in sitemap: Luong (Migration) [2018] AATA 1491

A full day seminar was jointly hosted by the AAT Canberra Registry and the Australian Capital Territory Bar Association on 26 August 2009 at the Visions Theatre, National Museum of Australia, Canberra. The seminar addressed issues and best practice concerning the obligation ...

Tribunal: Deputy President S Forgie In May 2020, the National Disability Insurance Agency (the NDIA) informed the applicant that her plan had been approved. However, the applicant chose to have the plan reviewed as it did not include funding for the construction of an over...

The AAT manages our workload in the following divisions: Freedom of Information Division  General Division Migration & Refugee Division (including the Immigration Assessment Authority ) National Disability Insurance Scheme Division  Security Division Small Business Ta...

Location of this page in sitemap: About the AAT > Who we are

COVID-19 special measures practice direction – National Disability Insurance Scheme [PDF, 297KB]   COVID-19 special measures practice direction – National Disability Insurance Scheme [RTF, 2.2MB]  

Tribunal: Senior Member Josephine Kelly The applicant was a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) with funded supports for her paraplegia. The applicant requested additional funded supports to be included in her NDIS plan. She requested various add...

PDF version (29 KB) Published in the Australian Law Reform Commission's Journal Reform Issue 84, Autumn 2004 Administrative Tribunals in Australia Modern tribunals play an important part in society. Not that tribunals are a new idea. Their origins lie in the Roman tr...

It is important to us that you are able to fully participate in the review and present your case. Our processes are informal and user-friendly. You can deal with us directly with little or no assistance if you wish.  However, we understand that you may need or want assistan...

It is important to us that you are able to fully participate in the review and present your case. Our processes are informal and user-friendly. You can deal with us directly with little or no assistance if you wish.  However, we understand that you may need or want assistan...

Location of this page in sitemap: Steps in a review > Other decisions > Assistance

Tribunal: The Honourable Justice John Logan (Deputy President), Deputy President Ian Hanger and Senior Member Andrew Nikolic The Information Commissioner made a decision to give the respondent, a journalist, access to a series of text messages sent between the Chief and Vi...

Do I have to pay an application fee? No. There is no application fee to apply for a review of a decision made by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

What is a hearing? Where will the hearing be held? Who will be at the hearing? How can I prepare for a hearing? What happens at a hearing? What happens if I do not attend a hearing? Access to hearing information What is a hearing? The hearing is an ...

Location of this page in sitemap: Steps in a review > Freedom of information (FOI) > Hearing

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