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Tribunal: Member Mark Hyman In 2016, the applicant, Mr Ullah was enrolled in two units at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) and received assistance under the FEE-HELP scheme to pay for his course fees. Mr Ullah was not able to complete his two units of study and ...

The Hon. Justice Deirdre O'Connor New South Wales Bar Association Seminar Monday 10 May 1999 Introduction Sir Gerard Brennan, when marking the 20th anniversary of the AAT, remarked that the AAT has always been in a curious position straddling the divide between executive...

Current opportunities See all current vacancies in the AAT . We use a web-based e-recruitment system for lodging job applications. When applying online via the e-recruitment system for the first time, you will need to register and provide a valid email address. This gene...

Location of this page in sitemap: About the AAT > Working at the AAT

We may take a bit longer than normal to reply to your emails due to a high volume of enquiries. We appreciate your patience as we work to respond as quickly as possible. Please note the preferred and quickest way to lodge documents is through our Online Services Portal . ...

Location of this page in sitemap: Contact us

Tribunal: Deputy President P Britten-Jones The AAT set aside a decision of the Veterans’ Review Board (the Board) refusing to increase the applicant’s general pension. The applicant had severe disabilities affecting his lifestyle entitling him to an increased pension amoun...

Tribunal: Member Simon Webb The applicant was employed as a research technician by the Australian National University (ANU) when she developed carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of her employment. She claimed and received compensation from Comcare and underwent surgery for...

Tribunal: Senior Member F Meagher The National Disability Insurance Agency (the Agency) administers the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The applicant was the mother of a child participating in the NDIS and the father was another party in this matter. The mothe...

When will I receive the decision? We usually make a decision after conducting a hearing . You will receive our decision at the end of the hearing or in writing at a later date. If your case is about a refusal or cancellation of a visa under section 501 or about a revocati...

Tribunal : The Hon. Justice D G Thomas, President, and Deputy President J Redfern Mr Poidevin and Mr Rodr (the applicants) applied for review of a decision from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to ban them from providing financial services for a p...

Tribunal: Member H Schuster The parents in this case had a child support assessment in place for their child since 2004. From 2011, the parents shared care of 50 per cent each in respect of the child. In February 2017, after notification by the mother, Centrelink made a de...

Location of this page in sitemap: Allman and Setford (Child support) [2019] AATA 1197

It is important to us that you are able to fully participate in the review and present your case. Our processes are informal and user-friendly. You can deal with us directly with little or no assistance if you wish.  However, we understand that you may need or want assistan...

Tribunal: Member Linda Holub A delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection refused to grant the applicant a Subclass 820 (Partner) visa. On 5 March 2018, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal affirmed the decision. Clause 820.211 of Schedule 2 to th...

Location of this page in sitemap: Li (Migration) [2018] AATA 587

PDF version (17 KB) Welcome address delivered to The Obligation to Assist Model Litigants in Administrative Appeals Tribunal Proceedings Seminar, Canberra 26 August 2009 It is my great privilege to welcome you all to this interesting seminar. I particularly want to w...

What we can review We can review many other decisions made under Commonwealth laws, including decisions about: access to records under the Archives Act 1983 child care services civil aviation education regulation passports privacy, and unpaid employment entitlement...

Location of this page in sitemap: Apply for a review > Other decisions > Can we help?

Tribunal: Senior Member Chris Puplick AM This review concerned the applicant’s registration as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). The applicant primarily offered courses relating to the building and construction industries and micro-business operations. The regulati...

The Federal Court of Australia held a Ceremonial Sitting of the Full Court to welcome The Hon Justice Emilios Kyrou AO.

1. Scope The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) uses social media to communicate with our stakeholders and the public about our services and activities.  This policy applies to anyone who uses official AAT social media accounts. Other policies, legislation and guidance ...

Location of this page in sitemap: Contact us > AAT Social Media User Policy

Feedback and complaints policy (PDF, 122 KB) Feedback and complaints policy About this policy The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) values feedback on the quality of our services as it allows us to understand what is working well and where improvements can be made...

Location of this page in sitemap: Contact us > Feedback and complaints

This fact sheet answers questions about applying to the AAT for a first review of a Centrelink decision about a debt. PDF versions of this fact sheet are available in the following languages: Arabic, English and Simplified Chinese . PDF versions Answers to question...

Location of this page in sitemap: Centrelink debts fact sheet

Until further notice, in-person hearings in our Melbourne and Sydney registries will only proceed when all parties, representatives and other participants are willing to show evidence that they have been fully vaccinated.

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