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PDF version (68 KB) Speech delivered at a general Meeting of the South Australian Chapter of the Council of Australasian Tribunals 14 August 2007 Introduction Thank you for inviting me to speak at this general meeting of the South Australian Chapter of the Council. I...

PDF version (58 KB) Thailand-Australia Mature Administrative Law Program Visit to Australia by Professor Dr Ackaratorn Chularat President of Supreme Administrative Court of Thailand and Other Judges and Court Officials, Sydney Introduction It is my great privilege to w...

PDF version (40 KB) Speech delivered to the Australian Public Service Commission Forum of Commonwealth Agencies Conference (Government Business Conference), Novotel Brighton Beach, Sydney Answer the Question Any night on "The 7.30 Report" you can watch Kerry O'Brien as...

PDF version (51 KB) Paper delivered to The Law Society of New South Wales Government Solicitors' - CLE Conference, NSW Parliament House 15 September 2009 Answer the Question A few mornings each week I go to a gymnasium. There I find myself puffing and watching Sky Ne...

Tribunal: Member A Burke The applicant applied to the Department of Home Affairs (the Department) to become an Australian citizen by descent[1] and was refused. The Department claimed the applicant failed to prove he had at least one parent who was an Australian citizen a...

PDF version (60 KB) Visit to the Supreme Administrative Court of Thailand and Central Administrative Court of Thailand, Bangkok 21 February 2006 Introduction 1. It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to have been invited to take part in a dialogue between the ad...

PDF version (55 KB) Speech to the Australian Institute of Administrative Law's Queensland Chapter Annual Dinner 13 September 2004 Introduction Earlier this year I had the privilege of representing the Administrative Appeals Tribunal at the Congress of the Internati...

PDF version (54 KB) Speech to the Law Society of New South Wales' Government Lawyers' CLE Convention 7 September 2004 Introduction Given the nature of its administrative review jurisdiction, government solicitors play a significant role in the AAT, most obviously as ...

This chapter reports on the governance of the AAT, management of our human resources and our purchasing practices. Corporate governance In 2015-16, the AAT’s structures, policies and practices contributed to sound corporate governance and management of the organisation. Se...

Functions and powers The AAT's principal function is to conduct independent merits review of administrative decisions made under Commonwealth laws. We review decisions made by Australian Government ministers, departments and agencies and, in limited circumstances, decisions ...

PDF version (100 KB) Paper presented to the Excellence in Decision Making Seminar for the Migration Review Tribunal and the Refugee Review Tribunal Sydney 12 October 2010 and Melbourne 26 October 2010 INTRODUCTION Over the last few years I have written quite a few pa...

Role and general purpose Established in compliance with section 45 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) and PGPA Rule section 17 – Audit committee for Commonwealth entities, the general purpose and role of the Audit and Risk Committe...

PDF version (34 KB) Speech delivered to the New South Wales State Legacy Conference 16 July 2005 September was school holidays in the 1950s. I first met Legacy on a Friday morning of one of those holidays. It was on the corner of Howard Avenue and Pittwater Roads, Dee...

Our users The principal users of the AAT are the parties to applications in the Tribunal and their representatives. Parties may be individuals, organisations or government agencies. This part of the report provides information on actions undertaken during the reporting perio...

Tribunal: Mr A Maryniak QC A delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection refused the applicant an Employer Nomination visa. On 2 May 2018, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal set aside the decision. The applicant was a citizen of India who arrived in Au...

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) conducts independent reviews of administrative decisions made under Commonwealth laws. We review decisions made by Australian Government ministers, departments and agencies and, in limited circumstances, decisions made by state and te...

PDF version (27 KB) Address at The Scots College 2004 Speech Day and Presentation of Senior School Prizes 6 December 2004 Mr Chairman, Moderator, Dr Iles, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen and especially students of Scots. Thank you Mr Chairman for your kind...

PDF version (63 KB) Paper presented at the Australasian Conference of Planning and Environment Courts and Tribunals, Hobart 27 February 2004 A BRIEF HISTORY OF CONCURRENT EVIDENCE Difficulties with expert evidence The difficulties with obtaining objective evidence...

PDF version (50 KB) Speech to the Church Law Forum, Wesley Mission, Sydney 17 May 2007 Introduction I remember quite well the occasion I was here last. At that time, I was a Barrister and Procurator of the Presbyterian Church and I commented on a paper by Justice Pet...

The Hon. Justice Duncan Kerr Chev LH Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Brisbane 8 October 2013 I would like to thank the University of Queensland Law Journal for inviting me here today to launch the special edition on ‘Merits Review’. Merits review was an Australian wor...

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