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Tribunal: Member Tigiilagi Eteuati A delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection cancelled the applicant’s Student visa because he did not remain enrolled in a registered course, which was a condition of the visa. [1] The Minister (or a delegate) may ...

Location of this page in sitemap: Khan (Migration) [2018] AATA 2395

Tribunal: Senior Member M Groom The AAT affirmed a decision of the Minister for Immigration (the Department) not to revoke the mandatory cancellation of the applicant’s Special Category (Class TY) (Subclass 444) visa. He was found to be not of good character and had a leng...

Congratulations to all of the teams who competed in the 2019 Negotiating Outcomes on Time (Noot) competition. The 2019 competition was the first to include law schools from three States, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia. The AAT used Skype-for-Business web ...

Location of this page in sitemap: About the AAT > Engagement

Tribunal: Member Amanda Ducrou The review before the Tribunal was about the assessment of the percentages of care for Mr Kendall and Ms A for one of their children. Mr Kendell and Ms A are separated.  In the majority of cases a statutory formula is applied to determine the...

Can I withdraw an application? Yes, you can withdraw an application at any time before a decision is made if you are the applicant. There is no cost to withdraw an application. You must withdraw in writing. You can use the Notification of withdrawal form  or you can send u...

Advertising and market research The AAT did not undertake any advertising campaigns in 2015-16. Non-campaign advertising expenditure of $9,299 was paid to Dentsu Mitchell for advertising employment vacancies. The AAT paid $46,768 to ORIMA Research Pty Ltd to conduct a surve...

Tribunal: Member Alison Murphy The identities of all Protection visa applicants are private. The applicant was granted a Protection visa in 2012 as he was found to be owed protection obligations as a national of Afghanistan of Hazara ethnicity. On 13 February 2017 a d...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1702934 (Refugee) [2018] AATA 2085

It is important to us that you are able to fully participate in the review and present your case. Our processes are informal and user-friendly. You can deal with us directly with little or no assistance if you wish.  However, we understand that you may need or want assistan...

Location of this page in sitemap: Steps in a review > Citizenship > Assistance

It is important to us that you are able to fully participate in the review and present your case. Our processes are informal and user-friendly. You can deal with us directly with little or no assistance if you wish.  However, we understand that you may need or want assistan...

Location of this page in sitemap: Steps in a review > Freedom of information (FOI) > Assistance

What is conciliation? Conciliation is an informal, private meeting we might use to help you and the Commissioner of Taxation (the Commissioner) consider possible options to reach an agreement before a hearing . If we decide to hold conciliation, it will usually be held bet...

Tribunal: Member P Jensen The application for review concerns the percentage of care that each parent provides for the child in the child support assessment. The existing percentages of care recorded in the child support assessment were 72 per cent to the mother and 28 per...

Tribunal: Deputy President Ian Hanger QC The Commissioner of Taxation (the Commissioner) issued amended assessments increasing the applicant’s tax liability for multiple years after discovering the applicant had undeclared income for those years. This decision imposed admi...

What is conciliation? Conciliation is an informal, private meeting to help you and the decision-maker consider possible options to reach an agreement before a hearing . If the application has not been finalised during the conference process, we will usuallyhold conciliatio...

Location of this page in sitemap: Steps in a review > Workers' compensation > Conciliation

The AAT uses a range of methods to engage with, and seek feedback from, our users about the services we provide. We also undertake various activities to promote a greater understanding of the AAT’s role and procedures. Stakeholder engagement We are committed to engaging wit...

Location of this page in sitemap: About the AAT > Engagement

Tribunal : Member G Cullen The applicant asked the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to review a decision made by the Department of Home Affairs (the Department) to refuse to grant him a temporary student visa. [1] The visa was refused on the grounds the applica...

Location of this page in sitemap: Raja (Migration) [2019] AATA 4046

Tribunal:  Deputy President J W Constance  The applicant’s visa was cancelled by a delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. On 28 February 2018, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal set aside the decision and substituted that the decision to cancel the...

Location of this page in sitemap: Duar Te Do Pateo Fernandes (Migration) [2018] AATA 348

Tribunal: Member D Barker The AAT has remitted a decision of the Department of Home Affairs (the Department) for reconsideration, after finding an applicant for a subclass 020 Bridging B visa had substantial reasons for travel. A person who wishes to leave and re-enter Au...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1910423 (Migration) [2020] AATA 641

Tribunal: Deputy President J Redfern The AAT affirmed a decision of a delegate of the then Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (the Department) to refuse to grant the applicant a protection visa. The applicant sought protection on the basis that she suffered domestic...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1723852 (Refugee) [2020] AATA 2159

Tribunal: Member M Urquhart The AAT affirmed a decision of a delegate of the Minister for Immigration refusing to grant the applicant an aged parent visa. The applicant lived in Australia and first applied for residence as the aged parent of a citizen (her daughter) in 20...

Location of this page in sitemap: Chowdhury (Migration) [2020] AATA 3811

Tribunal: Member S Griffiths The AAT remitted the decision to refuse the applicant’s partner visa application for reconsideration.  The applicant applied for a partner visa on the basis of his relationship with his sponsor and was refused by a delegate of the Minister of ...

Location of this page in sitemap: Thota (Migration) [2020] AATA 4222

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