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The AAT President has issued a statement outlining her commitment to ensuring the safety of AAT workplaces.

Location of this page in sitemap: News > Message from the President of the AAT

Tribunal: Deputy President Richard Hanger AM QC This case was about the transfer of a business name on the national register from one entity to another when the name was identical to an existing business name. This situation arose because of a national scheme established i...

Tribunal: Member R Smidt Australia has an obligation under the Migration Act 1958 to protect individuals who can satisfy one of two criteria. [1] The ‘refugee criterion’ broadly requires the applicant to have a ‘well-founded fear of persecution’ [2] should they be ...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1604403 (Refugee) [2019] AATA 2489

You can formally request access to documents we hold under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). We can also give you information about some AAT cases without a formal request under the FOI Act. Access to documents outside the FOI Act Check Access to information...

Location of this page in sitemap: About the AAT > Access to information > Freedom of information

Tribunal : Member T Flood A mother and daughter applied for review of decisions made by the Department of Home Affairs to refuse their applications for protection visas. Australia has an obligation under the Migration Act 1958 to protect individuals who can satisfy one o...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1607505 (Refugee) [2019] AATA 1446

PDF version (36 KB) Speech delivered to the Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration Course Dinner, Sydney 29 June 2006 Also published in (2006/2007) Bar News : Journal of the New South Wales Bar Association 28. It is a privilege to have been invited to speak ...

Chief Justice Murray Gleeson AC Chief Justice of Australia (1998-2008) PDF version (89 KB) Address delivered to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal's 30th Anniversary Dinner, Canberra 2 August 2006 The establishment of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in 1976 wa...

Glossary AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board AAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal ADR Alternative dispute resolution Affirm If the Tribunal affirms a decision under review, the original decision stands (is unchanged). Alternative dispute resolution ...

Tribunal:  Deputy President P Britten-Jones and Senior Member M Evans-Bonner Emanuel Exports Pty Ltd (Emanuel/the applicant) is a livestock exporter based in Western Australia. In August 2017, during a voyage of the MV Awassi Express from Fremantle to Qatar, Kuwait and the ...

Tribunal: Member Colin Edwardes A delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection refused the applicant a Skilled visa. On 13 April 2018, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal set aside the decision. The applicant was a citizen of South Africa who first arriv...

TRIBUNAL : Member P Noonan The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) set aside the decision under review in this matter and in substitution, decided to refuse to make a determination as per provisions in the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989  (the Act). In November 2...

Location of this page in sitemap: Malghum and Greaves (Child Support) [2021] AATA 468

PDF version (43 KB) Paper delivered to the Australian Institute of Administrative Law, National Administrative Law Forum, Canberra 15 June 2007 Introduction On 1 July last year, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. A commemorative...

The Honourable Wayne Martin Chief Justice of Western Australia PDF version (53 KB) After Dinner Speech delivered to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal's 30th Anniversary Dinner, Canberra 2 August 2006 I would like to commence by acknowledging the traditional owner...

The applicant sought a Tariff Concession Order (TCO) to import driverless trains free of duty. Without the TCO, each train imported would attract a five per cent duty. The applicant already manufactured electric passenger trains in Australia, but at the time of application no...

PDF version (35 KB) Speech delivered to the International Tribunal Workshop, Canberra 5 April 2006 Preface Like all good debaters, I should first define the subject. What is a tribunal? The Oxford English Dictionary says that the original meanings of the word "tribun...

PDF version (77 KB) 2012 AAT National Conference, Mantra Resort, Lorne 20 March 2012 Introduction As I guess everyone knows I will be retiring as President of the Tribunal and as a Federal Court judge on 15 May, exactly eight weeks from today. On Monday week I will h...

PDF version (56 KB) Paper delivered at the 16th Commonwealth Law Conference (CLC 2009), Hong Kong 8 April 2009 The Tribunal Revolution Three aspects of modern life and government have combined to promote a dramatic increase in the use of tribunals in most common law ...

President's overview Amalgamation of tribunals The Commonwealth Administrative Review Committee (Kerr Committee) concluded in 1971 that the basic fault of the entire administrative law structure at that time was that review could not, as a general rule, be obtained on th...

Tribunal: Senior Member Dr Michelle Evans The applicant was a 35 year old man born in New Zealand who entered Australia in 2005 on a Subclass 444 Special Category (Temporary) Visa. Between 2 March 2007 and 27 October 2015, he was convicted of a total of 28 offences with 11...

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