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The Guide to Refugee Law in Australia contains an analysis of the legal issues relevant to the assessment of protection visas, focusing particularly on the determination of refugee status and complementary protection in Australia. It was first developed in 1996 and is maintai...

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The purpose of this Annual Report is to inform the Attorney-General, the Parliament, Tribunal users and the general public about the performance of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (the AAT) during the period 1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006. The 2005-2006 Annual Report can be...

The purpose of this Annual Report is to inform the Attorney-General, the Parliament, Tribunal users and the general public about the performance of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (the AAT) during the period 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007. The 2006-2007 Annual Report can be...

The purpose of this Annual Report is to inform the Attorney-General, the Parliament, Tribunal users and the general public about the performance of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal during the period 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008. The 2007-08 Annual Report can be downloaded ...

The purpose of this Annual Report is to inform the Attorney-General, the Parliament, Tribunal users and the general public about the performance of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal during the period 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009. The 2008-09 Annual Report can be downloaded ...

The purpose of this Annual Report is to inform the Attorney-General, the Parliament, Tribunal users and the general public about the performance of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal during the period 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010. The 2009-10 Annual Report can be downloaded ...

Feedback and complaints policy (PDF, 122 KB) Feedback and complaints policy About this policy The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) values feedback on the quality of our services as it allows us to understand what is working well and where improvements can be made...

Location of this page in sitemap: Contact us > Feedback and complaints

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) provides independent review of decisions made under more than 400 Commonwealth laws. Individuals and organisations can apply to us to review decisions made by Australian Government ministers, departments and agencies and, in limited ...

Information routinely accessed under freedom of information requests The AAT must publish information about documents to which the AAT routinely gives access in response to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 , except in certain cases. This is a requirement u...

PDF version (58 KB) Speech to the Inaugural Conference of the New South Wales Chapter of the Council of Australasian Tribunals 28 May 2004 Establishment of COAT and its Objects Welcome to the Inaugural Conference of the New South Wales Chapter of the Council of Austr...

PDF version (36 KB) Address to the New Zealand Chapter of the Council of Australasian Tribunals, Wellington, New Zealand I studied law at the University of Sydney. I was there between 1963 and 1966. My class included the present Attorney-General of Australia and the Att...

Introduction The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is an agency subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). The AAT is required to comply with the FOI Act's Information Publication Scheme (IPS) . The IPS will help promote an open and transparent culture ...

This chapter reports on the governance of the AAT, management of our human resources and our purchasing practices. Corporate governance In 2015-16, the AAT’s structures, policies and practices contributed to sound corporate governance and management of the organisation. Se...

What is a hearing? The hearing is an opportunity for you, and Director-General of Security (the Director-General), to present information and arguments to the AAT about the decision under review. It will be conducted by three Tribunal Members. The Members will make findings...

Location of this page in sitemap: Steps in a review > Security assessments (ASIO) > Hearing

This report An electronic version of this annual report is on the AAT's website at . More information about the Tribunal is on the website, . Photos on front cover: Graynoise © Com...

PDF version (482 KB) The Hon. Justice Duncan Kerr Chev LH Law Council of Australia Tax Workshop 2012, Aitken Hill Conference Centre, Yuroke, Victoria 27 October 2012 In July 1986 the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) assumed the jurisdiction in taxation matters...

The Hon. Justice Deirdre O'Connor New South Wales Bar Association Seminar Monday 10 May 1999 Introduction Sir Gerard Brennan, when marking the 20th anniversary of the AAT, remarked that the AAT has always been in a curious position straddling the divide between executive...

PDF version (89 KB) Address to the National Security Law Course, University of Sydney 13 September 2006 Introduction I am very pleased to be able to speak to you today about the Security Appeals Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal - its functions, powers ...

PDF version (35 KB) Speech delivered to the International Tribunal Workshop, Canberra 5 April 2006 Preface Like all good debaters, I should first define the subject. What is a tribunal? The Oxford English Dictionary says that the original meanings of the word "tribun...

Tribunal: Member Frances Simmons The Department of Immigration and Border Protection refused the applicants’ Protection visas on 7 December 2015. The applicants applied to the AAT for a review of this decision. Only the first named applicant appeared at the Tribunal hearin...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1600050 (Refugee) [2018] AATA 3888

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