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Our Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney registries are closed to visitors until further notice

Location of this page in sitemap: News > Visiting the AAT during COVID-19

Our Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney registries are closed to visitors until further notice.

Location of this page in sitemap: News > Visiting the AAT during COVID-19

All personal information we collect is handled in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). Detailed information about how we handle personal information is contained in our Privacy Policy: AAT Privacy Policy (PDF, 83KB) ...

Location of this page in sitemap: About the AAT > Access to information > Privacy

The health of our community is our priority

Location of this page in sitemap: News > Visiting the AAT during COVID-19

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal gives people the opportunity to obtain independent review of administrative decisions made under Commonwealth laws. We review decisions made by Australian Government ministers, departments and agencies and, in limited circumstances, decisi...

AAT members and staff undertake a wide range of activities that assist to raise awareness of our role, procedures and activities. They give speeches and are panel members at conferences and seminars, participate in training and other engagement activities, and publish article...

At the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), we give individuals and organisations the opportunity to have administrative decisions independently reviewed. We review decisions made by Australian Government ministers, departments and agencies and, in limited circumstances, de...

PDF version (85 KB) Paper presented at the 2006 Veterans' Law Conference, Surfers Paradise, Queensland 27 July 2006 30 Years of Review by the AAT The Administrative Appeals Tribunal began its operations on 1 July 1976. It was a Thursday. As Sir Gerard Brennan, the fi...

PDF version (108 KB) The Second Professor Harry Whitmore Lecture, delivered at the Annual General Meeting of the Council of Australasian Tribunals, The Australian Museum, Sydney 17 September 2008 Tonight I want to trace for you the fortunate history of the Administr...

The Tribunal aims to manage its workload in an effective and efficient manner, responding to changes in the number and nature of applications over time. Performance targets define standards for dealing with applications, and assist us to meet the outcome and program requireme...

Our users The principal users of the AAT are the parties to applications in the Tribunal and their representatives. Parties may be individuals, organisations or government agencies. This part of the report provides information on actions undertaken during the reporting perio...

PDF version (81 KB) Paper presented to the Australian Government Solicitor Administrative Law Symposium, Sydney University Law School 26 March 2010 Introduction I am very pleased to be able to speak to you today about the Security Appeals Division of the Administrati...

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) conducts independent reviews of administrative decisions made under Commonwealth laws. We review decisions made by Australian Government ministers, departments and agencies and, in limited circumstances, decisions made by state and te...


At the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), we give individuals and organisations the opportunity to have administrative decisions independently reviewed. We review decisions made by Australian Government ministers I departments and agencies and, in limited circumstances, d...

PDF version (228 KB) The Hon. Justice Duncan Kerr Chev LH Tax Bar Association of Victoria 4 June 2013 In July 1986 the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) assumed the jurisdiction in taxation matters which previously had been exercised by Taxation Boards of Revie...

The Hon. Justice Duncan Kerr Chev LH Migration Institute of Australia National Conference 2012, Sydney 15 September 2012 Merits review of decisions made under the Migration Act 1958 relating to visas is shared between the AAT, the MRT and the RRT. The only decisions r...

Why do we redact? Redacting AAT decisions that are selected for publication balances the AAT’s goal to promote transparency and public trust and confidence in what we do, with the legal and public policy requirement to protect legitimate privacy concerns, while maintaining...

Location of this page in sitemap: About the AAT > Learn more > Redacting decisions for publication

Tribunal: Member Meena Sripathy The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (the Department) refused to grant the applicant a Protection visa on 1 February 2016 and she applied to the AAT for a review of this decision. The applicant claimed she fled Fiji because s...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1602009 (Refugee) [2018] AATA 4644

Tribunal: Senior Member Shahyar Roushan The Department of Immigration and Border Protection refused to grant the applicant’s Protection visa on 8 January 2016. The applicant applied to the AAT for a review of the Department’s decision. The applicant was a national of Leba...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1600816 (Refugee) 2018 AATA 2526

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