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PDF version (62 KB) Thailand-Australia Mature Administrative Law Program Visit to Australia by Professor Dr Ackaratorn Chularat President of Supreme Administrative Court of Thailand and Other Judges and Court Officials, Sydney February 2007 * This paper was originally...

eCase Search provides online access to publicly available information on select applications lodged with the AAT in the following AAT divisions: General Division Freedom of Information Division National Disability Insurance Scheme Division Small Business Taxation Divisio...

Location of this page in sitemap: eCase search

Certain application fees in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal have increased from 1 July 2022.

Application fees in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal will increase on 1 July 2021.

Location of this page in sitemap: News > Changes to our application fees on 1 July 2021

Application fees in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal have increased from 1 July 2021.

Location of this page in sitemap: News > Changes to our application fees on 1 July 2021

Tribunal: Deputy President P Britten-Jones The applicant was enrolled in an Advanced Diploma of Aviation course at the Bruce Hartwig Flying School (the School) and had received assistance to pay course fees under the FEE-HELP scheme. The School managed the scheme on behalf...

This fact sheet provides general information about applying to the AAT to review a decision made by the Department of Home Affairs in relation to a protection visa. PDF version We are a statutory body with the power to review decisions made under the Migration Act 19...

Location of this page in sitemap: Refugee review process

What is conciliation? A conciliation is like a case conference. It is an informal, private meeting conducted by an AAT Conference Registrar or an AAT Member to help the parties try to reach an agreement.  A conciliation usually goes for 2-3 hours but they can be longer.  T...

What is usually public and what is usually private when the AAT reviews a decision The information in this Fact Sheet relates to applications in the AAT’s General Division, Freedom of Information Division, National Disability Insurance Scheme Division, Security Division, Sma...

Location of this page in sitemap: Resources > Fact sheets > Privacy and confidentiality at the AAT

PDF version (48 KB) Paper delivered to the Australian Institute of Administrative Law 2005 Administrative Law Forum, Canberra As some of you may recall, I spoke at the AIAL Administrative Law Forum in 2003. In February of that year, the then Attorney-General, Daryl Will...

There are a number of pre-engagement checks that we are required to undertake prior to engaging an individual as an AAT employee under the Public Service Act 1999 . In the event that the requirements of one or more of the pre-engagement checks are not met, the conditional of...

Location of this page in sitemap: About the AAT > Working at the AAT > Eligibility requirements

The Hon. Justice Duncan Kerr Chev LH PDF version (56 KB) Keynote address to Veterans Review Board Biennial Member and Staff Conference, Sofitel Brisbane 7 August 2013 Societies throughout the ages have engaged in aggressive or defensive wars. In every society syste...

Tribunal: Member Susan Trotter The applicant was a business that owned and operated a number of restaurants in Queensland. The business applied to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (the Department) for approval of the nomination of a Café or Restaurant Ma...

Tribunal: Member Cathrine Burnett-Wake The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (The Department) refused to grant the applicant a Distinguished Talent (Residence) (Class BX) Subclass 858 visa on 29 April 2016. The Distinguished Talent visa is issued to individu...

Location of this page in sitemap: BOBADILLA ALARCON (Migration) [2018] AATA 4856

What we can review A first review is the first time we review a Centrelink decision. We can only review a decision if it has been reviewed by a Centrelink Authorised Review Officer (ARO) or Subject Matter Expert (SME). We can review most Centrelink decisions about: soci...

Location of this page in sitemap: Apply for a review > Centrelink > First review by the AAT > Can we help?

If you are an Australian lawyer representing an applicant in a current case in the Migration & Refugee Division and you cease to be a registered migration agent on or after 22 March 2021, please let us know this so we can update our records.

Tribunal: Member Paul Windsor The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (the Department) refused to grant the applicants protection visas on 2 September 2016. The applicants, a wife and husband from India, applied for protection visas on the basis that the wife f...

Location of this page in sitemap: 1614678 (Refugee) [2018] AATA 4645

Tribunal: Deputy President Jan Redfern A delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection cancelled the applicant’s Student visa. On 3 April 2018, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal set aside the decision and replaced it with one not to cancel the visa. Und...

Location of this page in sitemap: FU (Migration) [2018] AATA 732

Tribunal: Senior Member Linda Kirk On 7 September 2017, the Department for Immigration and Border Protection refused Liang’s application for Australian citizenship by conferral because he did not satisfy the general residence requirements [1] of the Australian Citizenship...

At the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), we give individuals and organisations the opportunity to have administrative decisions independently reviewed. We review decisions made by Australian Government ministers, departments and agencies and, in limited circumstances, de...

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